• Ombre Hair Color ( $25.oo off )


    Introducing Ombre!


    Ombre is a beautiful and exotic hair color sported by plenty of A-listcelebrities, such as Chanel Iman, Jennifer Hudson, Naomi Campbell, Raven Simone.

    The Ombre hair style is characterized with dark hair originating from the roots, with the shade getting progressively lighter by the tips.

    Ombre color done by Monica at MONICA HAIR STUDIO, March 2015. Phone: 954-457-6665

    *Gift Card valid only for Ombre Hair Color. Not valid for any other services. Only one gift card for customer. Just mention this offer when you arrive at Monica Hair Studio. Do not print.


  • How to Remove and Prevent Split Ends

    There is no true way to remove split ends, aside from cutting your hair. But you can take care of your hair and prevent their return.

    Watch our video with the demonstration of our technic to SPLIT ENDS in Monica Hair Studio and see below this video, some tips showing how to remove and prevent split ends:



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    Identify whether you have split ends. The scientific name for them is Trichoptilosis, a longitudinal splitting of the hair fiber, and there are several types:

    The generic end split,Splits occurring multiple times up the same strand of hair,A split occurring in the middle of the hair strand that will appear as a hole if the strand is bunched up.

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    Always use hair shears if you are cutting your own hair, even if you are only cutting a strand. Regular paper scissors can fray your ends and cause more splits down the road.

    • Single strand knots (not really split ends) which occur most often in dry, curly hair.

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    Get your hair cut regularly, meaning every six to eight weeks. All hair gets damaged after a while. Get a trim of at least 14 to 1 inch (0.6 to 2.5 cm), and you should have solved the problem. It will remove split ends and keep your hair healthy and growing strong.

    • Note that you really only need to trim when you have splits on the ends of the hair, so your schedule may vary with your hair type, how you treat your hair, and your style goals.

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    Cut them yourself between haircuts using a pair of hair shears. Cut about 1/4″ above the split of a single strand; there may even be a small ball above the split. If you don’t cut above the damage, the split will reappear.

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    Don’t rely on products that claim to “heal” split ends. They can seal the split end to help it look healthier, but they aren’t reversing the damage. These products can however help prevent future damage to otherwise healthy hair.


    Here are some of the ways hair is damaged everyday and how to prevent damage from these factors and in turn split ends.


    Most kinds of chemicals are going to damage your hair to some extent. Chemicals from getting a perm, having your hair highlighted, colored, etc., or even chlorine in bath or pool water all count.

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    Try to steer clear of chemicals. Natural hair is beautiful. If you absolutely must color your hair, search for the gentlest coloring agent you can find. If you are going to be using chemicals on your hair, be sure to condition your hair more often.

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    Protect your hair before swimming in a pool, ocean, or lake. This could include: using a leave-in conditioner, oiling your hair, or using a swim cap. Rinsing your hair thoroughly before swimming will also help it absorb less chemicals. Be sure to rinse and shampoo your hair as soon as possible after swimming.

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    Find out if the water you use to wash your hair is harmful.

    • There can be damaging chemicals in the water you wash your hair with – mainly chlorine. There are filters that will reduce the amount of chlorine in your water.
    • High concentrations of calcium carbonate can make your water “hard”. If you are in the USA you can check this map to see how hard the water in your area is. A water softening system will be most beneficial to your hair if you live in a hard water area.

    Brushing and Combing

    Many people don’t realize just how fragile the ends of our hairs are. Being too rough with a brush or comb, or brushing or combing too often can damage your hair.

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    Stop teasing or back combing your hair. This is the most damaging type of brushing. It pulls up the scales of your hair and when you comb/brush that section again the scales break off.

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    Find a hair friendly comb and/or brush. If you have thicker hair you may need to use a pick or wide-toothed comb. Combs in general are more gentle than your common brush. Your brush or comb should aid you in untangling your hair, not pulling it out.

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    Never over brush. 100 brushstrokes is not necessary, and may lead to more splits than anything else.

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    Comb the hair gently. Start at the top and work your way down. When you encounter a tangle, don’t rip the comb/brush through it, stop and untangle with your fingers and then proceed. You have to be extremely gentle while untangling wet hair. Curly hair types may require combing the hair when it is still wet.

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    Use hair friendly accessories.
    • The black band is the most hair unfriendly in this group because of the metal connector. Smaller versions of this are even more harmful. • The big green band is joined together by what appears to be glue and is much more friendly. • The little yellow band is a smaller version of the green one and friendly for thinner hair types. They can also be made of clear plastic. These little bands are ideal to tie off the ends of braids. • The big blue scrunchie is the most hair friendly. These are easy to make, but you can buy them at any place that sells hair care products.


  • Great hair for men


    Having great hair is more than the cut and hairstyle. After a visiting a barber or stylist, it’s up to you to care for and style hair. What that entails depends on your hair type because fine and thick, straight and curly hair have different needs. By grooming according to the specific needs of your hair type, you will make the most of your cut and style.

    Here’s how to look like you left the barbershop every day.

    Hair type is based on several things. The most obvious is it straight, wavy, or curly? Next, is it thick or fine? Thick hair can refer to having a high volume of hair on the head and/or a larger circumference of each hair strand. Fine hair has a smaller circumference while thin hair means having fewer hairs per scalp area. It is possible to have a thick head of fine hair or thin thick hair. When you have combination hair, care for it according to the dominating feature. In the cases above that would be fine and thin hair.

    There’s one easy tip that works for all hair types. While shampoo companies tell you to wash hair every day, hair professionals will tell you otherwise. Ever notice that second day hair looks better than the day before? That’s because scalp oils have a chance to moisturize hair and add texture that makes hair easier to style. Try skipping the shampoo every other day and then see if you can go even longer. For most guys, this simple change will improve the appearance of hair and its health too.

    Thick Hair

    Thick hair refers to having a lot of hair and/or individual strands that are wider than other hair types. While having thick hair is enviable, the volume and coarser texture can also be a challenge. Make the most of your thick hair with these easy tips.


    • Condition – Too many guys shampoo every day and skip the conditioner. Instead, condition every day and shampoo only as often as necessary for softer, more manageable hair.
    • Go very short or longer – For thick hair, short cuts can cause hair to stick up. The solution is to go even shorter or grow it out. Longer hair has more weight to help it lie flat and area for styling product to work with.
    • Product – Styling products benefit all hair types but arguably do the most for thick hair. Look for strong hold waxes or pomades to control hair and sculpt it into any style you want from slick to spikes.

    Fine and Thin Hair

    Fine hair strands are smaller in circumference than other hair types. Fine hair can be thick, with a full head of fine strands. Sometimes thin hair (not to be confused with thinning hair), with lower density per square inch, is referred to as fine hair but it is the thickness of the individual strands, not to the quantity of hair, that makes hair fine. While fine hair differs from thin hair, the goal of styling and products is the same – to add volume and boost thickness. Here’s how:


    • Thickening Products – Give hair a good foundation by starting with a thickening shampoo (not everyday) and conditioner. Some products made for fine or thin hair also plump up hair strands while providing hold.
    • Natural Oils – One of the best things you can do for hair is cut down on shampooing, which removes the oils your scalp produces to keep skin and hair moisturized. A cheap and easy way to make fine hair thicker is make the most of sebum production by skipping shampoo (but not conditioner) as often as works for you and distributing natural oils by combing hair or massaging the scalp. Don’t be afraid of the hair that comes with brushing or combing. An average of 50-100 hairs are shed a day so these aren’t being ripped from the scalp but lost naturally while more are growing in.
    • Hair Dryer – The best way to achieve more volume in hair is using a blow dryer. There is no excuse not to for men because it only takes a few minutes. Work a volumizing mousse into damp hair and the result will be hair with maximum thickness and control.  Finish hair with a blast of cold air to set hairstyles all day.
    • Hair Products – Stay away from heavy or oil-based products that weigh hair down. Blow drying and mousse will be enough hold for many of the best hairstyles for fine hair. If you need more, look for a lightweight wax or pomade.
    • Hairstyles – Just like with clothes, not every hair trend is going to work for you. Pick and choose from popular hairstyles looking for ones that add volume, texture, or both.

    Wavy and Curly Hair

    The label curly hair refers to any hair that isn’t straight. There is a wide range of curls from looser wavy hair to tight kinky hair. Despite this diversity, there are general rules that apply to keeping waves and curls healthy and looking it’s best.

    While you frequently see celebrities with curls rocking hair that has been straightened (we’re looking at you Justin Timberlake), many men like Adrian Grenier, Seth Rogen, and James Franco embrace their waves and curls and we encourage you to do the same.


    • No-Poo – The most common problem for all types of curly hair is moisture. Oils from the scalp do not travel from root to tip for curly hair, resulting in dry hair. The first step is eliminating shampoo or switching to a curl-friendly formula.
    • Conditioning – Curls require additional moisture to look their best. In addition to using a curl-specific conditioner, some curly men benefit from a monthly deep conditioning treatment with a commercial product or natural oil like coconut.
    • Haircuts – Curly hair has fewer styling options than straight. The key to getting the style you want is all in the haircut. To get variety, mix up the cuts.
    • Drying Hair – One of the keys to how hair will look is what happens after the shower. Rubbing hair with a regular towel can cause hair damage and frizz. Instead, gently squeeze hair dry with paper towels, on old t-shirt, or microfiber towel. Then work product through hair with fingers and let it dry without touching hair at all. If you blow dry hair, use the diffuser attachment that comes with the dryer, which disperses the air flow to reduce frizz.
    • Product – Curly hair looks best with a leave-in conditioner or curl enhancing cream that defines curls and minimizes frizz. Apply product to damp hair. Wet hair dilutes the product and reduces effectiveness while dry hair won’t distribute product evenly and can look clumpy, sticky, or greasy.






  • Golden Globe Hair Styles (our favorites)

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  • Seis consejos para tener un pelo reluciente

    Muchas veces no sabemos cómo arreglarnos el cabello porque desconocemos cómo hay que actuar con cada tipo de pelo. Por eso, Entremujeres consultó un experto… ¡Para que todas sepamos qué hacer y nos veamos siempre hermosas!

    Pelo brillante

    ¿Tenés el pelo opaco, deslucido e inmanejable? ¿Ya no sabés qué hacer para “dominar” tu cabellera y, por lo menos, verte prolija? Estos son los consejos de Pablo Espinoza, un experto en pelo, que nos explica cómo tener lucir espléndidas de acuerdo al tipo de cabello que tenemos.

    1-Después de realizarnos luces, mechas o color el cabello queda reseco. Lo ideal es preparar el cabello para reconstruirlo con algún shampoo y acondicionador hidratante y fortalecedor. Con el lavado diario, el cabello cansado volverá a la normalidad.¡Vas a volver a tener un pelo brilloso!

    2- Para reparar las puntas florecidas hay que utilizar Serum antes y después del secador o la plancha. Con unas gotas podemos lucir un cabello de revista. Hay algunos que tienen acción térmica y protegen de las acciones del calor: elegilos.

    3- Para quitar el frizz, lo mejor es utilizar productos de brillo y antihumedad. También hay que tener en cuenta que para descargar estática podemos optar por algún producto final para aplicar luego del brushing o plancha y así salir a escena de forma IM-PE-CA-BLE.

    4- Para lograr un cabello con rulos envidiable, el aloe balsámico es ideal ya que alivia la cutícula para crear un cabello perfectamente libre y definido. Hay acondicionadores específicos para este tipo de pelo que si los dejas actuar 10 minutos ayudarán a proteger tus rulos. Luego, conviene continuar con un humectante sin enjuague más un texturizante o mousse para lograr mayor fijación.

    5- Elevá al máximo el nivel de vitaminas de tu cabello mezclando varias cremas con vitaminas, proteínas y extractos de algas marinas. Aplicalo en el cabello recién lavado y dejalo actuar por 10 minutos. Para dar un mayor aporte de temperatura, hacé una cofia con papel film y, luego de retirarla, enjuagá con agua tibia.

    6- Para lucir un cabello sano, sedoso y brillante utiliza una crema de brillo ya que además suelen ser eliminadores de olores y te dejará el cabello como recién peinado. Si tenés tu cabello súper decolorado, esta crema puede salvarte del apuro haciendo que no sea muy notorio.

    Fuente: http://entremujeres.clarin.com

  • Split End

    Abajo un video enseñando nuestra nueva herramienta que esta a disposición de nuestros clientes.